Thursday, March 26, 2009

H2O FZ: Day 4, daily report

Jenny and Kim prepare to collect data and measurements from their second trial.

Brandon helps the red team 'bull doze' their soil to prepare for the second trial.

Jayonta presents the some of A204's work. See the details below!

Here are the stream tables after the third trial. Why didn't the soil erode to make more streams? How much deposition was in the runoff water?

Here are all the teams' graduated cylinders. Tomorrow we will analyze the amounts of soil that settled in 50 ml of water.

The last investigation we will do was created from these questions. We will investigate how leaves effect soil run off.

Today, we wrote in blue.

Other news:
  • Ms. Marci began teaching the F.L.A.S.H. curriculum yesterday and will join us for one hour a day after spring break, too.
  • Mrs. Nielson made her first visit to observe Miss Holck! She noted that students had a "high degree of engagement and excitement about getting started!"
  • Spring break is next week. What will you be doing? I'm going to Los Angeles to visit friends and plan my wedding!

1 comment:

  1. my mom really likes the science we have been working on and is very proud of the work!i cant wait to experience more on this project. also i was wondering if we are going to make volcanoes and i will bring some supplies like sodium and vinager and food coloring. sighned camila
