Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Summer is Over...

Now tell us, how is middle school???

First grade at Leschi was very fun today, but I do miss having my grown up students in the classroom. The 5 and 6 year olds are so small! I hope you all are enjoying all that middle school has to offer!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Stop by over summer and tell us what you have been up to! Did you end up volunteering anywhere? Did you go to a really fun camp? What's the best book you read?

This summer I'm getting married and you can see what I'm up to at my wedding blog.

I'll also post pictures from our art project and graduation, but I'll make sure this post stays at the top. I will miss you all this summer and wish you all the best as you go to middle school! Email me at anytime!

Aug. 18 update from Ms. Holck: I hope you all are having a wonderful summer! Mine had been eventful. I got married, so now, I'm Mrs. Deisler also, today I got a job. I will be teaching first graders at Leschi Elementary just a bit north of Emerson. What are you up to?

Monday, June 15, 2009


This is long overdue. I miss you all and I'm very proud of the artwork you made. I'll give it to Hope Place shortly and as promised, I won't post anything above the summer post. Keep updating us on what you're up to!

I'll be moving in a couple weeks to a new place in Seattle. Also, I'm still on the job hunt, who knows, maybe I'll be your teacher next year!

Friday's Daily Report

Friday, students:

Wrote letters to teachers to say goodbye.

Practiced for the graduation ceremony.

Had a guest speaker: Mr. Madden.

He talked about his experiences volunteering for Habitat for Humanity and Big Brothers & Big Sisters.

Then he had students draw a picture of themselves volunteering. Students thought about how they could volunteer to pursue a career they are interested in. Mr. Madden even brought nice paper and new crayons!
Here he is showing Ryshel's picture of her teaching basketball.

And Alrick and Ahijah's picture of them teaching dance at Hope Place.

Students also got free books at RIF!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Thursday's Daily Report

Today, students:

Wrote about the quote: "Justice is what love looks like in public"

Did some writing.

Edited their poems for our service project.

Made plans for their artwork.

Began to rip up tissue paper and magazines for the artwork.

Typed up their poetry or went to Ashia Circle.

Sanded the boards we'll use for the art.
(Video by Ahijah)

Images to come!

Due Friday:
1. Big picture for spelling
2. Reading log
3. Bring all the pieces you want for your artwork.

Getting Wood for Art

I went to Lowe's to get the wood we need for our art project/service project.

The piece was 4ft by 9 ft.

How big is each square if we needed at least 30 pieces?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wednesday's Daily Report

Wednesday, Students,

dressed like Urcle from Family Matters, and wrote about what it would be like if he visited our classroom,

rehearsed for graduation,

and did self evaluations of their CBA essays.

When we returned to class after lunch, students looked at sample collages,

brainstormed ideas for their poems,

then they wrote their poems for their service project.

We finished our day helping our buddies in Mrs. Lam's second grade class.

Then we all enjoyed a little sunshine playing basketball

or clapping.

Here's two very similar twins from yesterday's spirit day.

HW due Thursday:
  1. Spelling: crazies
  2. Reading Log (get creative!)
  3. Finish your poems