Thursday, May 21, 2009

Thursday's Daily Report

Today, students:

Wrote in their journals about art.

Learned about the British taxing the colonists. Each business made a list of supplies they would need and found out how many pounds, shillings, and pence they would owe Britain for the taxation.

Students then had a chance to express their feelings and make a plan of action about what they would do next.

We had a surprise visit from the governor of Massachusetts at the time, Mr. Thomas Hutchinson.

He informed the students that a mob sacked his home. He also expressed his concerns as well as his loyalty to Britain.

After lunch, Ms. Allegra come by to help the students garden. Some students got to take home plants.

Stanley drew a sketch of his plants while students had choice time.

HW due Monday:
1. Reading log
2. Math: worksheet
3. RoF: letter

•No school on Monday for Memorial Day.
• Students are to wear their school uniforms.

1 comment:

  1. ms.holck can i get friday's homework because iam not going to be at school. but i have the homework for thursday, thanks to dakirra. please that will really help.

    ryshun sampson
