Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tuesday's Daily Report

We had our last session of FLASH with Ms. Marci. Today she explained HIV and AIDS.

We found out that the first light switch controls 5/16 of the lights in the room.

In Math Vitamins, students cracked a secret code using fractions and the alphabet.

In the afternoon, students visualized chapter 3 and 4 as I read about Edward Tulane. Above, Ahijah is sharing her image of Abeline and Edward as their grandma tells a story about a princess that turned into a warthog. There is also a picture of the red team's literacy space.

Here's an image of the Queen Mary and a warthog. Is this what you visualized when I read our book today?

Students made a tree map to brainstorm ideas about their essay answering this week's question: What is the relationship between my self-esteem and the choices I make?

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