Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Wed: Daily Report

Today, only 7 students turned in homework that was completed correctly. That is about 1/4 or 25% of the class which is unacceptable. The remainder of the students stayed in at recess to finish their work. To assist students, I have made two changes: I will tell students what their homework will be before lunch so the literacy group that leaves will know in advance, and I will always list what is "Due Today" and what will be "Due Tomorrow" on the white board. Furthermore, homework is always posted on the blog. It is each student's responsibility to know what the homework is and to make sure it is complete the following morning.

Students made their journals today and responded to the question: What is your favorite season? Every morning students will do a free write in their journals and every evening they will answer our daily exit question which is: What is one thing you learned today that you will tell an adult after school?

In math we did centers for the first time. We're working with adding, subtracting, and simplifying mixed numbers.

In literacy, we read two more chapters of our book and students wrote down questions that they were wondering while they read. Next we discussed the essay prompt and students brainstormed important choices that they will make in life. In their essays, students will relate attributes of self-esteem and important choices.

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